
Saturday, July 4, 2015

Happy Independence Day (What a Farce)

This weekend, I like to watch movies, and some of my favorites are 'V for Vendetta' and the Matrix series. I love the Matrix because it succinctly illustrates the FACT that life is basically an illusion--but of whose design?  This is something I have been contemplating for a long time now.

Society as it is structured likes to 'pigeonhole' everyone as if somehow someone or something else has the right to tell us what kind of people we are. i.e., if I am black that must mean i am lazy and a gangster; if I am white, I must be an intelligent business person; if I'm a woman, I'm just not as smart as a man, etc., etc. All of this conveniently alienates humanity from each other and is an illusion created by...who exactly?  The media? Your neighbors? The government? The church??  Try all of the above.

I have fought against Christianity for reasons that have NOTHING to do with worshiping a god. I really don't care if you worship one god, two gods, or multiple gods--all I care about is the CONSEQUENCES of those beliefs. I have fought against Christianity for many reasons, most which stem from what I mentioned in the second paragraph. Christianity alienates people from each other by pointing out that if you are not with them, you are against them. (Check out the history--you'll understand this to be true. Multiple wars, and even slavery were sanctioned through the church, and now it's Christianity against Islam, etc. etc.) Furthermore, misogyny was also sanctioned by the church by their 'belief' that men are to rule the household, and women are to 'be quiet in church.' Women were also deemed less valuable according to the bible as they were not counted in the census Moses took in Numbers, and as slaves were not considered as valuable as men. Hmm...

That being said, the trend to pigeonhole people and alienate them from one another continues as war rages on in the Middle East, and the police state in the United States rages against its own citizens. How is this allowed to continue??  I'll tell you why. The church tells its followers to obey government because, according to the Bible, all governments are put in place by God.  Again, hmmm...  Pretty convenient I'd say. It's a great way to keep the sheeple in their place.

So, all governments that sanction wars that result in the murder of civilians due to 'collateral damage' the rape of women and children by soldiers obeying the government as they destroy the 'enemy'--are sanctioned by this god.  Hmm...

Then we come to the United States itself whose citizens are being terrorized by police who, according to recent developments, can run you over and kill you, rape you, steal your money, and invade your home--WITHOUT  CONSEQUENCE. This happens more often than you think.  But here's the thing. THIS IS EXACTLY THE DOCTRINE CHRISTIANITY TEACHES.  According to Christianity, Christians can rape you, kill you, steal your money and your home, and still go heaven--WITHOUT CONSEQUENCE. All they have to do is say sorry to Jesus. Pretty sweet from a Christian's perspective, I am sure, but for society, it is HELL ON EARTH. Christians will tell us that 'real Christians' don't do that, and at the same time they tell us that we are all 'born sinners.' See the contradiction??  Born sinners, are the ones raping, stealing, killing, etc. etc. makes me sick. I, on the other hand believe that I am perfect, and any bad thing I might do is nothing but a CHOICE made by ME. If I was innately bad as Christians claim, that would mean I have NO FREE WILL to do the right thing. Again, see the contradiction?  Ridiculous...

Unfortunately, this pervasive Christian mentality that promotes evil without consequences has been the downfall of our civilization, and I'm not sure if there is any way to reverse the process before it's too late--but we have to try. It's time for everyone to climb out of their boxes and recognize humanity for what we are--HUMANS.  We MUST work towards a system that is to the benefit of ALL--and not just the 1%. We, the 99%ers MUST reclaim our true roles on this planet if it is to survive. You can count on that. The only way we'll every be truly independent is if we become critical thinkers and are free of the shackles governments and churches have us tethered to.  Only THEN could we be truly independent--because NOTHING is more powerful than our humanity working together to make this planet heaven on earth for us all.  Churches and governments want none of that, as it takes power away from them and puts it in OUR hands where it belongs. Think about that as you enjoy that chemical laden hot dog, produced by factory farms that lobby the government to allow them add known carcinogens to their products and feed their animals GMO laden feed that includes discarded animal parts... i.e.-them cows/pigs are cannibals.  Yeah, God Bless America! What a farce...

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